EmailNotification Creating First Notification Rule

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ClearQuest Email Notification Package

Creating first notification rule

Minimum configuration

Detailed package configuration instructions can be found here

At least two database propertied must be defined to start using the package:

  1. email_host - SMTP relay name, the host that will accept generated emails for delivery
  2. email_enabled - should be set to 1 to enable email notifications

Open ClearQuest and configure package according to package configuration instructions

submit properties (udb_property records):

Submit properties.jpg

Set mail_host = your SMTP host

Email host.jpg

Set email_enabled = 1

Second mandatory property besides mail_host. Notifications will not be generated is the property is not set!

Submit udb_property record, set name to email_enabled and value 1, click OK to commit property to the database.

Set other properties if required

Check other available properties in the configuration guide

Create simple notification rule

In this example, we will define a rule to notify submitted that defect is closed. We are using standard Defect record from "Defect Tracking" schema.

Submit Email Notification Rule.jpg

Create new email_notification_rule record

En 1.jpg

Set name to some unique value, "Notify Submitter", and record type field to "Defect" (the package must be applied for this record type). Action "Close" will trigger notification, because we specified it in the "Actions" field.

En 2.jpg

The email is going to be sent to submitter, and we use "$" variable (extracting email from Submitter ClearQuest reference field). We can also add some statics email addresses here as free text, one email address per line, not other delimiters, i.e.


En 3.jpg

We are using free text with embedded ClearQuest record fields to format email body.

Test created notification rule

Close a defect, and check if email was created and sent properly. You can use existing or create new query for en_email_message record type to check email queue,